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Your Number One Source For Positive Behavior Intervention

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Our motto is "Focus on the positive."

We Believe in Offering Value First

That's why our Tier 1 program is completely free for you and your staff to use for your school-wide PBIS.
Simply sign up by creating an account with your email address to see just how easy and effective our system is.

Our full version includes tier 2 and 3 supports for more individualized interventions. This system allows you to track negative behaviors so your team can develop effective behavior intervention plans. We can provide this level of value because we know once you see our system at work and how effective it is, you will rely on our others services to improve all tiers of intervention at your school.

Our system is completely safe. We utilize SSL encryption methods to protect confidential information and limit access of behavior reports to administrator users only. What that means is we take security and confidentiality very seriously.

COMBINE is specifically developed by a certified special education teacher with 10 years of experience in primary and secondary instruction. The program is designed to provide you with a fast, accurate, and secure network for collecting positive and negative behavior data for all students at your school. Whether you need a school wide positive behavior system or a more individualized program, COMBINE helps track each outcome so your staff can work together to encourage positive behaviors and reduce negative ones.

Our tier 1, 2, and 3 data collection processes are researched based approaches for supporting all students including those with IAP's and IEP's. COMBINE improves the process of collecting and interpreting behavior data through the ABC (Antecedents, Behaviors, Consequences). This research based approach allows your team to develop an FBA (Functional Behavior Assessment) to guide the development of your BIP (Behavior Intervention Plans).

COMBINE simplifies this process for your school and will ensure that adequate data is collected to help all your students succeed. Use these tools to improve your school wide behavior interventions and see just how easy it is to focus on the positive.

To see these tools in action, visit our Training Page.

If you're ready to get started with your free training